One of the oldest game in the world is the game of money whether you realize or not. Since the creation of money, the game had started. Everyone is the player, no exceptions even the Tibetan monks have to involve with the game without realize it.
The game of money is the game of survival for most people. Before money was created the only thing that people concerned was about the survival; "My kid is sick, is he going to survive?", "Oh my God the tiger is coming!", "Where to find food today?", the mentality was simpled: 'How to survive'. When gold and silver were introduced as the medium of exchange, the game was officially on.
How's the game is played?
Like every sports or games we knew, the game is simple, who has the most money is the winner. The real question is not how much money you have is important but how you play the game is the real thing. They are few ways of playing it according to which class you are. Usually this is the pattern or example how each level of society plays the game:
The poor :
1) Using their labor to generate money, when pay check arrive, the money their earn is theoretically finished. The small fraction of money is saved for the retirement. This process is on and on and on until the retirement day is coming. Some the retirement day is never coming. Sometimes the saved money is 'disappearing' and the lucky one have the saved money increase a bit.
2) The poor's plan B, if anything goes wrong kids will play the game for them. The more children the better. But the problem is, usually the kid is playing the same old style as their parent.
The middle class :
Using their labor to generate money but the different is the income is much more than the poor. The sad thing to say is that they played the game almost the same like the poor. The money is exchanged into something with less value such as cars, boats, and so on.
The Wealthy :
In sports they are like Micheal Jordan, Tiger Woods, Pele, Ronaldo, Lin Dan, Roger Federer and so on. They are the one who make the game fun, thrilled, exiting and colorful; they play the game brilliantly! They work less but money came to them like a river. They manipulate the money to work for them. They buy expensive thing but before that they convert the money into 'money machine' and the machine pays for the expenses.
In conclusion the game is simple: your work for money or money works for you. You choose how do you want to play this game.
The Game of Money
Oil Price Hike: Bless Or Curse?
As this article is written the crude oil price on 15 March, Saturday 2008 at 09:55:35 am is $101.15. There is no indication that this number is going to decrease. Crude oil price is no longer cause by politics or events that happened it is the matter of supply and demand. Demand is increasing from all over the world and the supply as we all know will dry up in just the matter of time.
It is a bless or a curse?
1. For the investors who invested in the oil sector, it is a bless, the price goes up, so does the stock. It is a curse for the low paid employees because the inflation is slowly eating them.
2. It is a bless for the oil exporter country for now, but will be curse later if crude oil is still the main country's income because they will become consumer when the oil is not needed anymore.
3. 95% of the people in the world are curse because most of the consumer products are base on crude oil. At the same time it might be a bless for the environment as people are searching for the new free energy.
4. It is a curse for the world economy because the blood of the economy is oil. It is a bless for the world economy because there are a lot of new opportunity will emerge and there might be a shifting wealth from one country to another.
5. Bless for those who have high financial intelligent, wisdom, bravery, visionary, creative, innovative and stay ahead of the big event. Curse for the people who are just sit and catching while the events is moving in light speed.
6. What happen if the the blood of the industry is dried? For the big scale solution there is only one answer: nuclear energy. It is a bless as well as curse because it is a clean as well as destructive energy.
In conclusion, crude oil price hike is effecting everyone financially as well as socially. As a member of the world population the only way to survive and maintain the standard of living is to keep on investing your mind financially. Always remember this: every problem is an opportunity.