The World Is Whole : Opporunity Is Vast

Before internet was created human relation was parted very widely, mutual understanding between culture was only understood by small group of people. When mass media was invented and used around the world culture from west seems invaded the east, almost everyone was wanting to be western. But now everything is changed, the creation of internet has bring us to a new era, that is the world without boundaries. Before the world was a whole, to increase the chances to be rich, one must migrate to dense a place where people are dence and developed location, but now is different, the best place to be rich is a place where information is abundance: which is everywhere as long as the place has internet connection. West and east is colliding, new culture emerge the east wanted to be west and the west wanted to be east, the world fill with color and vast business opportunity, more windows of wealth is opening only the smartest win.

There are 6,606,971,659 internet user in the world it is like we live in the island where this 6,606,971,659 live together, business opportunity is vast, the principles of the business is the same the different is the speed and the medium of exchange. The fundamentals of business is sales, sales prospect is 6,606,971,659 people, the speed of the exchange is speed of light and the medium of exchange is just merely a number!

Information Age is the era, the game has been updated, look at the money with our mind not with our eyes, like I say it before the smartest win!


In everyday life survival of the fittest is still applied, in the financial world you need to keep fit to survive, not only physically fit but mentally fit as well.

Japan and China are two of the world economic force, there are a word called "Kaizen" in their vocabulary which mean improve. The idea of kaizen has been a like a flesh in Chinese and Japanese people.

Kaizen is an idea about keep on improving day by day, even a little and small improvement is very important to ensure that one is keep on moving forward everyday. Japan is located in the center of earth quake zone, surrounded by mountain which is not suitable for agriculture and economic activity, in 100% of the land only 30% is flat and in that 30%, 20% for agriculture activity and 10% for economy activity, thrust me that is not the best place to live. With all that hardship, Japanese had emerged as a develop country with class of their own. All thanks to the idea of kaizen.

China too is an example of how kaizen had brought this colorful and turbulence nation forward, from the Qin dynasty, Sung dynasty, Ming, and Ching dynasty and all other dynasies, China didn't stop, it keep on improving little by little despite it socialist ideology had slow them down and now China is coming to take over and lead the financial world by modifying the socialist ideology, it is kaizen .

We as a person should too utilize the idea of kaizen in our life, as specially if you want to be wealthy you should keep on improving little by little until you reach your goal. A slow tortoise will reach it's destination sooner or later if only if it doesn't stop in the midway. If you tired get some rest, after taking all the rest you needed continue and continue until you reach your goal. Remember never give up, if you are stupid or moron, no sweat because we are all born stupid and moron, just keep on moving and trust yourself, at the end of the journey you will eventually realize that we are all bunch of moron we are all the same.

In financial world, you only scared of two things that will stop you from reaching wealth, that things are death and you. Only death and you can stop you, just rammed anything in front of you went dealing with obstacle until your reach you goal, remember, improve, improve,improve do not ever give up. When you reach dead end turn right or left and move forward again!!!

Another thing about kaizen is do not i repeat do not blame others or anything went something bad or misfortune hits you, you are the only one to blame because of your weaknesses and lake of wisdom you make yourself fail, blaming on others or thing only weaken you, take the lesson and move forward, you will grow stronger day by day by practicing kaizen attitude. If your business, marriage, exam or anything fail who to blame? It is all you fault, remember it is all your fault!

Improve yourself by reading books, trail and error, practice, implement and enjoy the pain that's what is all life are about pain and reward! We will never enjoy PS3 if Sony stops at PS2. The bottom line is, kaizen.